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The Lab @ Acentech is a multimedia collection where we share with the world our discoveries and the exciting projects we’ve been working on. The Lab is a venue where our staff can investigate an area of personal interest that, in turn, advances our institutional knowledge.

An enormous amount of experience, insight, and lessons are embodied in our innovation, built on ideas inherited from our founders, and nurtured by our consultants and scientists along the way.

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Explore the Lab @ Acentech and join our Culture of Innovation.

Creative thinking is alive and well across Acentech: a multi-generational culture of designers, engineers, and artists where curious and rigorous inquiry lies at the core of what we do every day. We invite you to explore The Lab and join our Culture of Innovation.

The Lab @ Acentech is a multimedia collection where we share with the world our discoveries and the exciting projects we’ve been working on. The Lab is a venue where our staff can investigate an area of personal interest that, in turn, advances our institutional knowledge.

An enormous amount of experience, insight, and lessons are embodied in our innovation, built on ideas inherited from our founders, and nurtured by our consultants and scientists along the way.

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Explore the Lab @ Acentech and join our Culture of Innovation.

Creative thinking is alive and well across Acentech: a multi-generational culture of designers, engineers, and artists where curious and rigorous inquiry lies at the core of what we do every day. We invite you to explore The Lab and join our Culture of Innovation.